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Su-Bali & KLM - Pedigree Database

Pedigree of:
SGC Avalon Pendragon of Noah's Ark
M, 26-Oct-2008, Chocolate Lynx Point Balinese, EMS: BAL b 21, Germany
Pippastro Tom Foolery
09-Dec-2007, SIA b 21 var, Great Britain
Lemental Red Baron
11-Jul-2004, BAL d 21, Great Britain
Rantipole Beelzebub
, SIA n 21 var, Great Britain
CH Bewitching Barbarella
19-Aug-2000, BAL d 21, Ireland
Amores Cariad
, SIA n 21, Great Britain
GC Mafdet Indianajones
, SIA a 21, Great Britain
Palmira Dusky Beauty
, SIA n, Great Britain
CH Klaas-Points Corellia DM
13-May-2005, BAL a 21, Germany
Varjagin Aitmatov
26-Feb-2002, BAL a 21, Finland
Gas-Giant's Phobos
, OLH b 24, Finland
Sungain Bajadeeri
28-Oct-2000, SIA n var, Finland
Klaas-Points Arwen
20-Feb-2004, BAL n, Germany
Mindara Delmiro Yaris
10-Aug-2002, SIA n var
Arktis vom Wunderbau
24-Dec-2002, BAL b, Germany