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Su-Bali & KLM - Pedigree Database

Pedigree of:
Imp GC Pippastro Spotty Muldoon
M, 01-Dec-2012, Ebony Spotted Tabby Oriental LH, EMS: OLH n 24, Great Britain
GC Pippastro Silversmith
19-Apr-2003, OLH ns 22, Great Britain
GC Pippastro Silver Shadow
08-Jun-2002, OSH bs 11 var, Great Britain
PR Aprikat Skyryder
, OLH n, Great Britain
Pippastro Elentari
, OSH hs 11 var, Great Britain
Aprikat Shaded Dreams
23-Jul-2001, OLH n 24, Great Britain
CH Aprikat Saville Row
, BAL n 21, Great Britain
Tammee's DarkCrystalForAprikat
11-Dec-1998, OLH n, Sweden
Xynderella Melody of Noah's Ark
28-Aug-2010, BAL c 21, Germany
Imp GC Pippastro Hawkmoth
05-May-2007, BAL cm, Great Britain
Amores Luck of-The Devil
03-Jun-2006, BAL c, Great Britain
Pippastro Silkmoth
21-May-2006, BAL gm, Great Britain
CH Klaas-Points Corellia DM
13-May-2005, BAL a 21, Germany
Varjagin Aitmatov
26-Feb-2002, BAL a 21, Finland
Klaas-Points Arwen
20-Feb-2004, BAL n, Germany