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Su-Bali & KLM - Pedigree Database

Pedigree of:
WC Trisha Orobie Diva's
F, 29-Nov-2015, Chocolate Point Balinese, EMS: BAL b, Italy
CACM Jonas des Temples d'Orient
, BAL c, Italy
Shilby Line's Xalando
, OLH b, Switzerland
GIC Jerremiaz Sirius
02-Nov-2011, BAL a, Sweden
Shilby Line's Tchat Cha Chat
04-Mar-2010, OLH n 24, Switzerland
Irina du Paradis d'Ulysse
, OLH cs
Hidalgo de la Rose d'Hispahan
, OLH a 03 23, France
Frimousse de Ladore
, BAL cs
GIC Nina Orobie Diva's
18-Jan-2014, BAL n 21, Italy
WC Fiero du Phare Breton of Orobie Diva's
23-Sep-2010, BAL b, Belgium
CH Pippastro Billy ap Gwalch
, BAL c, Great Britain
Fiodiligi di Gattinata*PL
, SIA b var, Poland
GIC Wilma La Diva of Orobie Diva's
20-Mar-2010, BAL a 21, Italy
, OSH a var, Italy
, SIA c 21 var, Italy